Sunday 16 September 2012

The American Londoner is moving!

The American Londoner changing from blogspot to wordpress
Off to my own domain. 

Worry not. I will still be in London and still imparting my golden nuggets of pith about my experiences here and the world in general, but after an extremely pleasurable but somewhat brief stay in the blogspot neighbourhood, I'm off to a pricier area in the Wordpress side of town. You get a decent amount for your money and the amenities can't be topped. I'll have my own place now, All the archived posts have transferred and I've added a new one that is my own reflection on the current very troubling state of relations between the Muslim world and the USA, which I hope you'll enjoy in what I think is a cleaner and more visually attractive layout. I'm still getting things settled and changing my address with all the usual people (you know, twitter, facebook, Internations), but I would love for you all to continue to drop on by and enjoy my blog. Please do. All the best. 

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